As we spoke about last week, biophilia is about how natural environments to help us feel good. But what is natural?

Well, natural can mean a few things and Coulthard goes through some of these.


Purely Natural

The first is something that is in its natural state. This includes:

  • Indoor plants or

  • Pebbles.

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Photo by sagarmanis/iStock / Getty Images

Close to Pure

Most things need to be altered in some way to fit into our lives.

In this case, natural means as close to its original form (with minimal processing). These includes things such as:

  • Planed timber,

  • Undyed wool, or 

  • Naturally dyed linen.

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Photo by Scovad/iStock / Getty Images


Fitting in

The next form of ‘natural’ is trying to make buildings and designs fit in with their surroundings. When a design does not make a connection with its surrounds, it feels out of place.


In Tune with Us

The last form of natural is ensuring that the space fits in with what we would like to use it for.

  • Places we sleep should be private, protected and undisturbed.

  • Places we socialise should be friendly and jovial.

Rooms that reflect their use will feel more ‘natural’ to us.

Photo by GeorgeRudy/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by GeorgeRudy/iStock / Getty Images

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