Be Proactive - Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive

Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

In the next articles, we will look at the 7 Habits of Highly Effect People from the book by Stephen Covey.


The first habit is that Covey suggests is to Be Proactive.

The Definition of Proactivity

This is as simple as it sounds. We make decisions and we control our behaviour. Therefore, we are responsible for our lives.

Covey posits that reactive people are affected by their environment where as proactive people are value driven and, while are still influenced by the environment, act based on a value-based decision.

Circle of Concern/Circles of Influence

So we need to be proactive? But Covey cautions that we also need to be careful of where we apply our proactive efforts.

We all have a large range of concerns. This ranges from things that are close to us, our children, our interests, our work throughout more global concerns like national politics and global security. However, we don't have control of everything in our control.

Proactive people focus their time and effort on the things they can do something about, their Circle of Influence. Reactive people focus on their circle of concern and the weakness and problems in their lives.

Direct, Indirect and no Control

Covey divides the problems on our lives into three areas.

Direct Control

These are problems that can be solved by working on our habits.

Indirect control

These can be solved by changing our methods of influence. These a methods you can learn.

No control

These are problems that we need to live with despite not liking them. But realising this we avoid letting these problems control us.

Which circle is it in?

Covey says that to determine which circle something is in, we can look at the differences between the have's and the be's.

The Circle of Concern is full of have's."if I had a degree/better boss/more time" etc. The Circle of Influence is full of be's.
"I can be more patient/wise/loving" etc. 

Covey's 30 day Proactive Challenge

I wasn't sure I should put this in since I haven't tried it for myself. I feel a bit hypocritical writing about techniques that I have tried. Maybe you can try it and see how you go?

The challenge is pretty straightforward: Work only on your Circle of Influence for 30 days. Admit mistakes and correct and learn from them. Look at weaknesses of others not with accusation but with compassion.


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