Stress  - Part 4 – What to do about it.

Now we know what happens when we get stress and what can cause, what can we do about it?

Well, Donatelle recommends several was to reduce stress. 

Assess Your Stressors

The first step is to assess what's really going on by looking at the following steps: 

1. Make a list of what is worrying you right now.
2. Examine what is causing these problems and worries. 

3. Look at how big each problem is. What would happen if you did nothing? What would happen if you took action? 

4. List your options (including the ones you don't like). 

5. Outline an action plan and then DO IT. 6. Evaluate how you went.

Change Your Self-Talk

As we've discussed one of the fundamental things behind what we find stressful is our appraisal of it and our belief in our ability to overcome it. 

To overcome negative self-talk, we first need to become aware of it. Then we can stop it.Then we can replace it with positive self- talk. This is called cognitive restructuring. When you hear negative self-talk, simply say 'stop'. Then consciously make an effort to think positively. 

Developing a Support Network 

This sound familiar. Social support provides a great buffering effect from the effects of stress. Socialise with supportive people. Invest time in your loved ones, especially when you are too busy! 

Cultivate your Spiritual Side 

This is one that I'm particularly interested in these days. My spiritual side. What does that mean? 

This is living a life in accordance with your values. Having a purpose. I've we've seen, having a purpose is key to happiness. 

Managing Emotional Responses 

Look at the way you respond to things. What triggers your emotions? 

Learn to laugh. Learn to cry. Express your emotions productively and appropriately. These are all vital to reducing stress. 

Physical Action 


We've spoken about the benefits of exercise. From an evolutionary perspective, stress is designed to culminate in a physical response. Fight or Flight. Exercising has a great effect of reducing stress. It burns off stress hormones by directing them toward their intended metabolic function. It also releases endorphins which are mood-elevating and pain killing hormones. How good?! 

How much does sleep change your perspective. It is important for your appraisal and self-efficacy. It is one of the biggest stress busters. 


Make time to relax. To have fun. To do things that you enjoy and calm you. You should do this everyday. It helps you cope with stressful feelings and refocus your energy. 

We'll go into this in more depth in the next blog. 

Eat Healthfully
This reduces stress in the body.

Next week we'll look in more depth at relaxation techniques and stress reduction techniques. 

Until then, get out and socialise (responsibly), have fun and dedicate time each day to having some fun! 


Donatelle, R. J., & Davis, L. G. (2011). Health: the basics. Benjamin Cummings.



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