Stress - Part 6 – What to do about it - Visualisation, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Massage, Biofeedback and Hypnosis
This week will finish up looking at techniques from Donatelle on how we can help to reduce our stress.
We've also discussed visualisation. In the case of stress management, the visualisation of peaceful scenes such as the ocean are a great way to transport you to a stress-free environment. [i]
A technique I've found useful is using deep breathing to calm myself. Then visualise something that is stressing my out attached to a balloon and it floating away. Or floating down a river and off a waterfall. After this, I visualise myself in a calm and happy place. I think of 3 things I can see, 3 things I can hear and 3 things I can feel. I visualise these things and sync it to my breath. This is a great way to let go of things that are causing you specific stress.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
This involves systematically contracting and relaxing different muscle groups in your body. Working your way from the feet up to the face. Tense the muscle and breath in. Notice the feeling of tension. And let go of the tension and feel it melt away.
Photo by fizkes/iStock / Getty Images
Massage Therapy
If you've had a massage. Then enough said. Massages are great at calming the mind and body.
This is a technique that involves using the mind to consciously control bodily functions such as body temperature, heart rate and breathing rate. This can be done using devices that body temperature etc so individuals can learn to listen to their bodies and adjust as necessary.
Not one I've looked into but it does appeal to my scientific mind.
Photo by mustafagull/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by LightFieldStudios/iStock / Getty Images
Not sure about this one. My only exposure has been hypnosis shows for entertainment. Donatelle states that through hypnosis, someone becomes responsive to suggestions and this can help to reduce certain types of stress.
So have a look and see what technique works for you. Some may work better in some situations than others. I find mediation good for everyday lowering of my stress levels. Yoga is great for when I'm feeling particularly tense about something. Progressive muscle relaxation is great for when I'm feeling frustrated or angry. Massage seems to work well after long periods of stress. But it is really about what works for you. They are also most effective when used everyday.
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[i] Donatelle, R. J., & Davis, L. G. (2011).