Sharpen the Saw - Mental Dimension

Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


Last week we looked at the first dimension of Covey’s “Sharpen the Saw”: The Spiritual Dimension.

Let’s move onto the next dimension of Covey’s “Sharpen the Saw”: The Mental Dimension.

The mental dimension is about continual learning.

But the mental dimension isn’t just formal education. It is about how we learn after school.

If you are proactive you can find many ways to continue to educate yourself.

One of the best ways is to read books (or if you are slow reader, listen to audiobooks). Every day we spend hours on the move. On the train, on the bus. Perhaps you could listen to an audiobook. Read an audiobook (if you’re not driving!). Books that expand your mind. Books that expand your horizons. Books that teach about the world. Books that teach you about yourself. Books that inspire you. What some ideas? Have a look at our library. These are all books that we’ve read and have inspired us and some have even changed our lives. (we do get a commission as an Amazon Affiliate).

TED talks are also a wonderful way to expand your mind.

Other ways to learn are through uni. However, you don’t have to do a formal degree. Harvard University and MIT in the US started a website with short courses delivered by universities all over the world. You can do most of them for free!


Additionally, you could start taking classes in other things completely unrelated to work or study. Art classes and WEA or local TAFE. Perhaps, photography classes too. Or learn a language or an instrument.  It is a great way to meet new people that are completely different to you and your friends. A great way to get out of the house. A great way to be creative. And a great way to work on the mental dimension. 

So get out there and learn something new. Not for a piece of paper (necessarily) but just to broaden yourself and learn new things.

It will have flow on effects. You’ll be more rounded, you’ll be a better conversationalist, you’ll improve yourself everyday. Who know, you might even find a new passion or new career!

The possibilities are almost endless. Get out there and enjoy!


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