Sharpen the Saw - Social / Emotional Dimension

Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


This week we move onto the social/emotional dimension.


According to Covey, this doesn’t take the same time that the other dimensions do but it requires practice and we can do it in our normal everyday interactions with other people.

This mainly comes down to how we communicate with others.

  •  This includes the things we’ve spoken about earlier.

  • Agree to communicate to find a common solution.

  • Listen empathically in order to truly understand then communicate your point.

  • We can try to remember to focus on to trying to understand before being understood.

    • This comes from being emotionally secure. This comes from within. From living a life that reflects our deepest values.

We can also try and do little things everyday:

  • Try and smile and say hi when people pass me you the hallway. Smiles can be contagious! 

  • Try and help people when they ask me you something even if it isn’t my job (being careful not to overload yourself, though).

  • Try and find out who can help them and connect them to that person. 

  • Try and smile at people and listen to what they have to say.  Once again… Smiles can be contagious! 

These are the little ways you can try and build the social and emotional dimension.


Can you think of more ways?


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