Flexible Optimism - No when to hold ‘em, no when to fold ‘em.
Flexible Optimism
How have you gone with your ABCDE?
This week we will relook at the flexible part of flexible optimism.
As we know, there are pros and cons for using optimism. So when should we use our new skills?
Seligman suggests we use optimism:
In an achievement situation,
When there are concerns for your feelings,
If the situation looks like it will be protracted and physical health is an issue, or
If we want to inspire others.
Seligman suggests we don’t’ use optimism (at first):
When we are making a risky decision, or
When we are helping someone who’s future is dim or if we want to seem sympathetic.
Essentially, if the cost of failing is high, reconsider using optimism.
And there we go.
We have learned the benefits of optimism. We have learned when to use it.
We have learned how to change our explanatory style using ABCDEs.
We now have a choice on how you explain what happened.
We can choose to use these techniques whenever you need them.
We can choose to curtail depression.
We know the benefits of optimism.
But we also know the role and value pessimistic has. We don’t have to follow our automatic reactions but can choose.
I hope you have enjoyed this journey and look at Learned Optimism.