Rhomboids - The Key to Good Posture
This week we look at yet another victim of hunching over a computer at your desk…the rhomboids.
The rhomboids are the upper back muscles connect your shoulder blades to your spine and rib cage.[i]
The rhomboids are actually two muscles:
The rhomboid minor and
The rhomboid major.
Together, they act to full your shoulder blades together and, hence, are one of the main muscle that contribute to maintaining good posture.
What causes weak rhomboids?
Rhomboid issues can be caused by
Photo by AndreyPopov/iStock / Getty Images
When we round our shoulders forward it elongates our rhomboids and puts a passive stress on them and they get elongated and fatigued.[iv] On the other hand, over activities can pace an active stress on the rhomboids by requiring them to forcefully contract. If we do not adequately rest, stretch or relax them, this can cause an overloading of these muscles.
What can I do about my weak rhomboids?
Firstly, if you are suffering from pain, please consult your health professional for advice.
Additionally, here are some things you can do to help with weak rhomboids.
Shoulder blade squeeze
Stand up straight.
Slowly squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for 3 seconds.
Slowly release.
Repeat 20 times.
Neck Rotations
Keep your head upright and sit up tall.
Turn your head from side to side gently.
Each time going as far as your neck will allow you.
Self-Myofascial Release / Self-Massage
Place a trigger ball/tennis ball/lacrosse ball between your upper back and a wall. The ball should be between your shoulder blade and your spine. As always, the ball should NOT be on the bone. NOTE: If you put the ball in a sock or stocking, it will save your having to chase it around if you drop it! Great cardio but not what we are after here.
Push against the wall.
Move your body up and down so the ball goes up and down the muscles between your shoulder back and spine.
If you find a trigger point, you can pause and hold for about 30-45 seconds.
Locust Pose (strengthen your rhomboids)
Lie on your stomach with your arms next to you and palms facing up.
Slowly lift up your head, chest, and arms as high as comfortable.
If you feel comfortable, you can lift your legs too.
Look straight ahead or slightly upward.
Hold for about 30 seconds.
Thread the Needle (stretch rhomboids)
Start on all fours.
Inhale, reach your left up toward the sky/ceiling (this is optional).
Exhale, reach your left up across to your right behidn your right arm. Gently place your left shoulder and the left side of your face on the mat by bending your right arm.
You can leave your right hand in front of your face or stretching out toward the front.
Repeat on the other side.
Rounded shoulders from sitting or hunching over all day and active stress for reaching overhead can cause us to have issues with our rhomboids, the muscles between our shoulder blades and our spines. They can become fatigued and weak. Try these mobility, rolling and yoga exercises to help loosen and strengthen these important muscles and improve your posture.
You can also get your FREE 2 week Recharge trial and we’ll go through these techniques with you.
The EVERYDAY can lead to weak rhomboids
Come to Recharge and Move BEYOND the EVERYDAY.
[i] https://www.healthline.com/health/rhomboid-muscle-pain
[ii] https://www.summitmedicalgroup.com/library/adult_health/sma_rhomboid_muscle_strain/
[iii] https://www.healthline.com/health/rhomboid-muscle-pain#causes
[iv] https://www.muscle-joint-pain.com/trigger-points/trigger-point-self-treatment/rhomboids/