How sitting is making you a tight arse

Are you a tight arse? Sorry, I mean, do you have a tight arse?

If you do, it is okay, many of us do.

The glutes (your butt muscles) are the biggest muscle group in the body and are made of the

  • Gluteus maximus

  • Gluteus Medius, and

  • Gluteus Minimus. 

The gluteus maximus’ main job is to extend the hip. That is to push the leg down and back. Hence, it is the main muscle that pushes your leg back (and you forward) when you walk or run.

The gluteus minimus and medius are used to move the leg away from the centreline (aka hip abduction). Because of this function, they also hold our hips level when we walk or lift on leg off the ground.

That’s great, but why should we care? 

Well, tight and weak glutes can cause many other problems including lower back pain, knee pain and sore legs.

Today we will look at what causes tight and or weak glutes, how that affects you, how you can test if your glutes are tight and how to help loosen and strengthen them up.


What causes tight and weak glutes?

You guessed it…SITTING. Lots of sitting.

As we spoke about a few weeks ago, when you sit or too long, your body adapts and your hip flexors become shorter. As your glutes are the strongest muscles, you body inhibits them so that your strongest muscles do not snap your tight hip flexors. This is to protect you.

However, this inhibition leads to weak glutes.

It is because the glutes are weak that they feel tight.

Other causes are exercise. As it is the biggest muscle group, it gets a big workout when we…well…work out. This, in addition to poor form, lack of warming up, lack of stretching and poor posture, can lead to tight glutes.


What happens if I have tight or weak glutes?

While tight or weak glutes can be felt in the butt itself, because it is attached to the hip, back, leg and pelvis, it can result in tightness or pain in these areas. 

Additionally, you can feel

  • Lower-back pain,

  • Tight hamstrings (with the glutes inhibited, the body uses the hamstrings instead),

  • Knee pain and

  • Pelvic instability.

Do I have tight or weak glutes? 

The first test is simply done by standing up and tightening your glutes while grabbing your own butt to see if they are firing and if they are even. 

The second test involves also grabbing your butt but this time while lying on your front and lifting your straight the off the floor/table. Another good test is to see if which fires first your, glute or your hamstring. Your glute should fire first but for many of us our hamstring compensates and fires first.


What to do if you have tight or weak glutes?

Firstly if you are suffering from pain, there are many medical causes, so please consult your health professional for advice. Additionally, here are some things you can do to strengthen weak glutes and loosen tight glutes.


Glute Bridge

The glute bridge is designed to strengthen your glutes.

1.     Lie on your back with your feet on the floor and hip-width apart and knees bent.

2.     Lift your hip up and off the floor using your glutes. You can poke at them with your fingers and to make sure they are activated.

3.     And lower them down.

4.     Do this 12-15 times.

Side Plank with Clam Shell

This is designed to strengthen your gluteus minimus and medius

1.     Lie on your side with your elbow under your shoulder.

2.     Leaving your bottom knee on the ground push up into a modified side plank with both legs bent.

3.     Rotate the top knee out and in (up and down) like a clam shell opening and closing (hence the name).

4.     Do this about 12-15 times.

If you want something more challenging, you can use a resistance band around your calves or thighs.

Self Myofascial Release / Self-Massage

Glute Foam Roll

1.     Sit on top of your foam roller with your legs in front of you.

2.     Slowly roll back and roll on your butt.

3.     If you want to increase the pressure you can straighten one leg and lean toward it.

4.     Do this on the side of the glute, too, to roll the gluteus medius.

5.     If you want to further increase the pressure, you can do the same on a trigger/massage ball and use small circles to find trigger points in your glute. When you find them, pause and hold for about 30-45 seconds.

Yoga Poses

Downward Facing Dog

  1. Start on the floor on your hands and knees. Knees below your hips and hands slightly forward from your shoulders.

  2. Lift knees away from the floor keeping the knees slightly bent.

  3. Push your butt toward the where the back wall and the ceiling join (behind you).

  4. Lower your heels toward the ground (as far as your body will let you).

Pigeon Pose

1.     Start in downward facing dog

2.     Move one knee forward to the same wrist

3.     Slide the rear leg backward and untuck the toes.

4.     Place a blanket or block if your hips are elevated

5.     Lower to elbows if comfortable


Seated Twist

1.     Sit on the ground with your legs in front of you.

2.     Place your left arm behind you and your left leg over the right with your left foot near your right knee.

3.     Place your right arm over the left knee with your palm facing out.

4.     Twist to your left using your right arm to pull your left knee inward.

5.     Hold for about 30 seconds.

6.     Repeat on the other side.


Our glutes are our biggest muscle group and excessive sitting can make them weak and feel tight. This can cause lower back pain, hip pain and knee pain. Additionally, exercise can make the glutes tight. By strengthening weak glute muscles and rolling tight ones, we can help our hips move better, feel better and restore our ranges of motion.


You can also get your FREE 2 week Recharge trial and we’ll go through these techniques with you.

The EVERYDAY can lead to tight and weak glutes.

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