Transverse Abdominus - They Key to Your Every Move!

What are the transverse abdominus muscles?

A few weeks a go we looked at the rectus abdominus muscles (our ‘six-pack’ muscles).

This week we are going to look at the muscles that sit below these, the transverse abdominus muscles.


Why should you care?

Well these muscles help us to perform most of our the things we do everyday. They

  • Keep our pelvis stable,

  • Stabiles our lower back,

  • They help us twist,

  • They help us cough, and

  • Most importantly, they act like a muscular girdle which makes them critical to every movement.[i][ii]

Photo by nensuria/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by nensuria/iStock / Getty Images


What causes weak or tight transverse abdominus muscles?

  • These can be very similar to those of the rectus abdominus.

  • Overuse is a big cause of tight rectus abdominus muscles including

  • Lots of coughing,

  • New or intensive exercise programs, and

  • Constipation.[iii]


Inactivity can also play a role.[iv]


Trauma also plays a role including,

  • Being hit in the ab region, and

  • Recent abdominal surgery.[v][vi]


What happens when we have tight or weak transverse abdominus muscles?

As it helps to support the pelvis, when these are weak, they can cause lower back pain.[vii][viii]

When they are weak, the abdominal wall can bulge forward, the pelvis can tilt forward which accentuates the inward curvature of the lower back (lordosis) which can cause pain.[ix]

Photo by Filip_Krstic/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by Filip_Krstic/iStock / Getty Images

 So, I have tight or weak transverse abdominus muscles …what can I do about it?

If you have pain seek immediate medical advice as there are many organs below the abdominal area which are vital.



Tai Chi Twists

  1. Stand with your legs slightly bent and about hip width apart.

  2. Twist from side to side allowing your arms to sway loosely.

  3. Try and look behind you if you can as you twist.

 Dead Bug

  1. Lie on your back. With your hips and knees at 90 degrees.

  2. Try and extend one foot out toward the wall (only go as far as you can while keeping your lower back on the mat.

  3. Switch feet.

  4. Repeat.

  5. You can add your opposite arm by having them face the ceiling and lowering them down next to your head at the same time as extending your leg.



Self-Myofascial Release / Self-Massage

Due to the organs below, we are reticent to recommend or instruct self-massage of the abdominal area .



Plank (strengthen)

  1. Lie on your front.

  2. Push up on to your knees and forearms with your forearms parallel and palms down. Your elbows should be below your shoulders.

  3. If you like you can push up to your feet and/or your hands.

  4. Hold this position with engaging your core muscles.

Photo by undrey/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by undrey/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by fizkes/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by fizkes/iStock / Getty Images

Cobra (lengthen)

  1. Lie on your front.

  2. Place your hands near your armpits

  3. Pull your shoulders back and down toward your feet.

  4. Lift your head and shoulders off the mat.

  5. Only go as far as your lower back allows.

  6. You can lift your hands off to ensure you aren’t putting too much pressure on your lower back.Add a twist as your extend up to target the transverse abdominus more.


 You can also get your FREE 2 week Recharge trial and we’ll go through these techniques with you.

The EVERYDAY can lead tight or weak transverse abdominal muscles

Come to Recharge and Move BEYOND the EVERYDAY.











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