Today we are going to look at the triceps/


These are the muscles at the back of your upper arms (on the outside). They

Stabilise the shoulder and

Extend our elbows (straighten the arm).[i]

Think about all the times in a day we straighten our arms. We close our car boom, vacuum/ sweep, grab things out of cupboards. They work hard all day.[ii]


What causes tight triceps?

Since a lot of our day is spent sitting and not moving our arms, sometimes, our triceps can become weak and tight.


Additionally, overuse playing racket sports ore repetitive throwing or lifting weights (doing pushing movements such as bench press or push ups) can cause our triceps to become tight.[iii]

What happens if I have tight triceps?

As such, when we have tight triceps, we may be unable to extend our arms or doing so might cause pain.[iv] 

As we have learned, when this happens, our other muscles compensate. When we have tight or weak triceps, our chest muscles and shoulder muscles compensate. These muscles are already usually overstimulated/tight from all the sitting we do.[v] When this happens, it can cause shoulder or lower back pain.[vi]


Do I have tight triceps?

While the best way to check this is with a health professional while lying on a table, there are some indicators that you can look for.


However, you can get a good indication by trying the following.

  • Lie down on a table and place arm above your head (you can also do this while sitting).

  • Relax your arm and bend your elbow.

  • If your unable to bend your elbow fully, you may have tight triceps.

So I have tight SCMs, what can I do?

Firstly, if you are suffering pain, there are many medical causes, so please consult your health professional for advice. Additionally, here are some things you can do to help with tight triceps.



Dynamic Triceps Warmup

While standing, extend your arms straight out to the sides (parallel to the floor) with palms down.

Draw small circles on the far walls with your hands (first backward then forward).

Repeat with your palms up, forward and backward.



Elbow Flexion and Extension / Bicep Curl

Stand with your arms relaxed at your sides.

With palms facing forward / up, gently bend your at your elbow while leaving your elbows by your sides.

Straighten your arm as much as you can.

Self Myofascial Release / Self-Massage

Triceps Self-Massage - Hand

Gently grab the tricep using your fingers..

Apply pressure by gently squeezing it. Stop if you feel pain.

Search for trigger points and tender spots. If you find one, gently and slowly roll it between your fingers.



Triceps Self-Massage – Massage Bal / Tennis Ball / Lacrosse Ball / Spikey Ball

Place the ball between your triceps and a wall and push it against the wall.

Search for tender spots or trigger points.

If you find a trigger point, gently push down on it for about 30-45 seconds.


Cow-Faced Arms (with strap)

Place your strap or strap like thing (towel / belt / dog leash etc) over your shoulder.

Reach your left hand up in the air with your elbow near your ear.

Bend your left arm so you a patting yourself on the back…good job!

Now place your right arm in a cactus position (elbow out to the right and arm bent at 90 degrees). You palm should be facing forward.

Rotate the hand toward the ground (arm still at 90 degrees). You palm should now be facing backward.


Now reach your right hand toward your back with the palm still facing backward.

Grab your strap with both hands and see how close you can get your hands (ensure your head and torso remain upright



You can also get your FREE 2 week Recharge trial and we’ll go through these techniques with you.

The EVERYDAY can lead to wrists and forearms.

Come to Recharge and Move BEYOND the EVERYDAY.








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