Tibialis Anterior - Essential to foot and ankle stability
The tib ant muscles get tight when we walk and run and especially when we have tight calves. When they are tight or weak it can hinder everyday foot and ankle movements. Here are some exercises that may help.
You Hip Abs - Keep your back and knees in check
The hip abductors get tight when we sit crossed legged and stand with our leg on one weight. When they are tight or weak it can hinder everyday movements and lead to lower-back and knee pain. Here are some exercises that may help.
Tight Pec Minor Muscles - Minor muscle. Major problem.
The pectoralis minor (aka pec minor) is a small muscle with big consequences. Sitting & slouching can cause our pec minor muscles to tighten. Due to its role in stabilising and moving the shoulder, tight or short pec minor muscles can. Impair shoulder range of motion (making everyday tasks difficult), cause slouching and rounded shoulders and prevent the shoulder blade from moving properly.
Neck Extensors - Hold You Head Up
Our neck extensors tilt our head back but also stops our head from dropping forward. As such, staring down at our phones and laptops makes our neck extensors tight and weak causing muscle imbalances and discomfort. Here are some mobility, self-massage and yoga exercises that may help.
Tensor Fasciae Latae – Not an order for your barista
Your biceps are more than just for show. They allow us to lift things in our everyday lives and are also important for many sports. When they are tight they can affect our ability to lift things, reach overhead and shoulder and elbow movements, in general. Try these mobility, foam rolling and yoga exercises to help loosen your tight biceps to reduce your risk of injury and help your move and feel better.