Can meditation change your brain? - Changing how we view our self
Science Saturday, Psychology, Neuroscience, Meditation Design Your Life Science Saturday, Psychology, Neuroscience, Meditation Design Your Life

Can meditation change your brain? - Changing how we view our self

Meditation is associated with a change in how we see our self. It helps us see how self as not-permanent and reduces the parts of the brain associated with thinking about the self. This reduction is associated with improvements in our health. However, more research is needed to understand how this occurs.

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Think Win/Win - Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Transformation Thursday, Psychology Design Your Life Transformation Thursday, Psychology Design Your Life

Think Win/Win - Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Covey proposed 6 types of human interactions

  1. Win/Win

  2. Win/Lose

  3. Lose/Win

  4. Lose/Lose

  5. Win

  6. Win/Win or No deal

What kind of interactions do you have?

Do you need others to lose so you can win?

Do you let people walk all over you and let them win all the time while you loose?

Do you act out of spite so both of you lose?

Do you always want to win?

Do you only accept Win/Win?

Do you have what it takes to achieve win/win situations?

Do you have integrity, maturity and a sense of abundance?

Can you see things from another’s point of view?

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Can meditation change your brain? - Emotion Regulation
Science Saturday, Psychology, Neuroscience, Meditation Design Your Life Science Saturday, Psychology, Neuroscience, Meditation Design Your Life

Can meditation change your brain? - Emotion Regulation

There is a part of the brain whose main job is to watch for threats. You can think of it as your brain’s guardian angel or security guard or light house operator.

It scans your environment and, if it detects a threat, will gear up your body to fight it or run away using your sympathetic nervous system (that we spoke about yesterday).

However, when the security guard gets overzealous and starts jumping at shadows or dodgy looking teenagers, things begin to get tiring. In our stressful lives, with so much vying for our attention and so many stressors in our environment, this can easily happen.

So there is a second pathway. Do you remember the prefrontal cortex,? It is like the CEO of our brains. Scientist believe this is how we regulate our fear response. The security guard sees a teenager and says “OH NO, ROBBER!” and the CEO says “It is okay, that’s just a teenager”.

However, in people who meditate, neuroscientific research has found that their CEO has much better control over the security guard I.e. their prefrontal cortex is more active. their amygdala is less active and their prefrontal cortex is able to inhibit their amygdala.

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Put First Things First - Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Transformation Thursday, Psychology Design Your Life Transformation Thursday, Psychology Design Your Life

Put First Things First - Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

We are live in a time poor world. But it is also the one thing we have in common. We all have 168 hours a week. 168 hours to prioritise, to waste, to be productive in, to procrastinate in.

Is your week filled to the brim with tasks? With work, study, exercise, TV, social media, kids. Are you neglecting important things in your life?

So often, we spend our days dealing with the urgent items.

Covey argues that the important but not urgent tasks is where we should be concentrating.

It includes things like building relationships, long-range planning, exercising, preventive maintenance and all those things we need to do but often don’t get around to doing because they aren’t urgent.

So what do you do with your 168 hours? This week, perhaps conduct an inventory and see where you are spending you’re 168. Is it where you’d like to be spending them? Are you taking away for the important to do the urgent?

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Can meditation change your brain? - Body Awareness
Science Saturday, Psychology, Neuroscience, Meditation Design Your Life Science Saturday, Psychology, Neuroscience, Meditation Design Your Life

Can meditation change your brain? - Body Awareness

Meditation helps to train us to focus on our on internal experiences. Neuroimaging studies have found this can lead to an increase the size of the area of the brain associated with emotional awareness and empathy. Thus, through meditation, our brains adapt and we are better able to understand our own emotions and those of others.

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