Agonists and Antagonists – How we move

Agonists and Antagonists – How we move

Muscles can only pull not push so therefore must work in pairs. While one contracts (agonist), the other lengthens (antagonist). Meanwhile others help the agonist (synergists). By knowing which muscles are do which roles we can look for imbalances and know when synergists have taken over and are causing issues.

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Light and Rhythm
Psychology, Science, Transformation Thursday Design Your Life Psychology, Science, Transformation Thursday Design Your Life

Light and Rhythm

This week we are going to look at how light and rhythms affects us. Before artificial lighting, we lived according to the sun. We woke when it rose and slept when it was dark. As it got cooler we slept. As you can imagine, our artificial lighting and heated houses can interfere with these cues and affect our body clock. Here are some ways biophilia suggests we can help us get our rhythm back.

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