Sharpen the Saw - Synergy of Renewal
Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Hey hey,
Welcome back.
Now we’ve looked at the dimensions of renewal:
It’s important to focus on balance in renewal.
Although each is important, if we neglect one, it impacts the others.
The opposite is also true. The things you do to improve one dimension positively impact the others. Covey calls that Synergy of Renewal.
Better physical health improves your mental health.
Better spiritual health improves your social and emotional health, too.
This can lead to an upward spiral. Small improvements everyday can lead to an upward spiral.
Photo by marchmeena29/iStock / Getty Images
Look at the four dimensions. Are you neglecting one?
While, I prefer to stick with the science and the literature, I thought in this instance, a personal anecdote might be illustrative.
For years, I focused on the mental dimensions. Years of formal study. Years of work training. I grew up with intellectual prowess as the pinnacle. I didn’t do any exercise. I used to work a physical job for so long I laughed at people who paid money to lift heavy things at gyms when someone would pay me to lift heavy things at work!
When I moved into an office, I stopped exercising but I didn’t realise that had. I ignored the physical aspects of renewal. I also ate a lot of deep fried food (ah the bachelor life!). I got bigger. Subtly bigger every week. It wasn’t until my pants didn’t fit they I realised I had to act.
Photo by FERKHOVA/iStock / Getty Images
I had to make a change. I had to focus on my physical health as well as my mental health. This wasn’t easy. I would start and stop often. Now I try to workout every morning. Some days it is aerobics, some days it is weights. Other days it is stretching, rolling or yoga. It is a great way to start the day. No complicated equipment. Just me, a bench and a mat (sometimes some weights). And I feel better for it…emotionally and mentally.
I then realised I was ignoring my spiritual health. I’ve started to meditate. But the biggest focus for me is to workout what I want and need out of life. What my values and goals are. How what I do everyday contributes to that. I work hard. I study hard. But am I doing things that contribute to my goals and values? This is my next big focus.
I also tend to neglect the social aspects. When I’m stressed, I focus on my work. I really need to remember to focus on my social connections. On my loved ones. This is what I need to not forget about. This is especially important in the current uncertain environment.
Which aspects are you ignoring? This is not about judgement or beating ourselves up. It is about finding what small thing can you work on today to start your upward spiral.
So there you go, that’s Covey’s 7 Habits.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the journey and stick around for the next week when we start a new book, “The Happiness Advantage”.
I look forward to it.