The Piriformis Maybe Causing Your Back, Hip or Knee Pain
At Tight Muscle Tuesday we often emphasise muscles that contribute to back, hip and knee including:
Today we continue with the piriformis.
You heard me, the piriformis. Never heard of it? Your probably not alone.
Well, it is a muscle below our butt muscles that plays a surprisingly important role in our hip stability. It also helps to rotate our hips to turn out upper leg outward (external rotation), lift our leg out to the side (hip abduction) and push our leg behind us (hip extension).
They keep hip and knee joints properly aligned and are particularly important to those who play sports that require agility (i.e. soccer / netball / basketball).
What happens when you have tight piriformis muscles?
Due to their role in hip and knee stability, tight piriformis muscles can lead to knee and hip pain, hip instability and backpain. It can also lead to you doing a ‘duck walk’ placing extra strain on the foot which can lead to plantar fasciitis.
Photo by Filip_Krstic/iStock / Getty Images
What causes tight piriformis muscles?
Sitting Too Long and Poor Posture
Seeing a common thread here? Sitting for prolonged periods and with poor posture with your hips rotated outward can make your hips tight including the piriformis. Mircotrauma to the muscles can also sometimes be caused by sitting on hard surfaces, especially with a wallet in our back pocket.
Additionally, overuse of the piriformis can lead to tightness. This includes long-distance walking or running.
So, I have tight piriformis muscles…what can I do about it?
Firstly, if you are suffering pain, there are several medical causes, so please consult your health professional for advice.
Additionally, here are some things you can do to help with tight piriformis muslces.
Knee to Chest
Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet on the ground.
Draw one knee toward your chest and leave the other leg bent with the foot on the ground.
Draw the knee to the opposide side feeling a gentle stretch on the outside of the knee.
Release and swap legs.
Knees to the Side
Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet on the ground and your arms out like a ‘T’.
Slowly roll both knees to the left side leaving the outside edge of your feet in contact with the ground.
Slowly roll both knees to centre and repeat on the other side.
Self Myofascial Release / Self-Massage
Sit floor with bent legs in front of you.
Place your left foot on top of your right knee (forming a ‘figure four’).
Place your foam roller or trigger ball (tennis ball, lacrosse ball, spikey ball) under your left butt cheek and tilt a bit of the left.
Roll around until you find a tender trigger point. Hold for about 30-45 seconds and breathe deeply.
Pigeon Pose
Start in downward facing dog
Move one knee forward to the same wrist
Slide the rear leg backward and untuck the toes.
Place a blanket or block if your hips are elevated
Lower to elbows if comfortable
Seated Twist
Sit on the ground with your legs in front of you.
Place your left arm behind you and your left leg over the right with your left foot near your right knee.
Place your right arm over the left knee with your palm facing out.
Twist to your left using your right arm to pull your left knee inward.
Hold for about 30 seconds.
Repeat on the other side.
Our Piriformis stabilises our hips and tight piriformis muscles can cause back, hip and knee pain. Try these exercises to help loosen and relax those tight piriformis muscles to help you feel and move better.
You can also get your FREE 2 week Recharge trial and we’ll go through these techniques with you.