The Importance of Recovery

The Importance of Recovery

When we think of exercise we often think of doing more and going harder.

To an extent this is a good thing. In Australia, it was found that nearly 15% of adults were did no exercise in the last week and physical inactivity was the fourth leading cause of death due to non-communicable diseases worldwide contributing to three million deaths[i][ii]


However, rest and recover are also vitally important.

Without adequate recovery we cannot adapt and grow.


But why is this so?


Exercise puts stress on the body. In it puts two types of stress on the body,

  • Metabolic stress, and

  • Mechanical stress.[iii]

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Photo by microgen/iStock / Getty Images


Metabolic stress involves depleting the energy on our cells whilst mechanical stress involves the physical damage caused to our muscles during exercise.[iv]


It is during the rest and recovery time that our body is able to refuel and repair. It is able to replace the stored energy in our muscles (glycogen) and repair our muscle proteins.[v]

Photo by Madmaxer/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Madmaxer/iStock / Getty Images


This process takes time.

This can be in the form of a light session or a complete rest day.

I find this very hard to do but research has shown that there are many benefits of taking a rest day.


1.     Recover glycogen and repair muscles (we’ve spoken about this already).

2.     Remove waste products generated during exercise.

3.     Extra time with family

4.     Extra time to do hobbies

5.     A psychological break – exercise needs brainpower and will power too!

6.     Avoid overtraining.

Photo by Halfpoint/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Halfpoint/iStock / Getty Images


For many including rest days or recovery days can be hard but it can also be very beneficial.


If you’d like to do plan your recover, try our Recharge sessions designed to help you recover from stress and exercise. Join us this Sunday and claim your two FREE classes.


[i] https://www1.





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Photo by Eraxion/iStock / Getty Images


The Benefits of Exercise on the Immune System

The effect of exercise depends on the exercise intensity and duration[ii]. High exercise training workloads, competitions are associated with physiological, metabolic and psychological stress, inflammation, oxidative stress and  muscle damage.[iii]. As such, prolonged exercise is linked to a suppression of the immune system (immunosuppression) and increase the risk for viral and bacterial infections[iv]. Additionally, the risk of illness also increased when athletes go through repeated cycles of unusually heavy exertion[v].

Photo by ElNariz/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by ElNariz/iStock / Getty Images


However, exercise can also contribute to general good health and therefore a healthy immune system[vi]. Regular exercise has been found to have an overall anti-inflammatory effect[vii]. As such, moderate exercise, and vigorous exercise less than 60 minutes, has been found to increase immune function[viii]  For example, one study found that 20 minutes of moderate exercise stimulated the immune system and produced an anti-inflammatory cellular response[ix]


Exercise activates the sympathetic nervous system which leads to increased heartrate, blood pressure and the release of hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine[x]. However, the exact way exercise affects the immune system is still unknown and is currently under investigation[xi]

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Photo by marekuliasz/iStock / Getty Images


How does it work?

There are a few theories that are currently being proposed:

  1. Exercise may help to flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways reducing the change of getting sick.

  2. Exercises changes antibodies and white blood cells which circulate more rapidly and detect illness earlier.

  3. Exercises increases body temperature which may help the body fight infection and prevent bacteria from growing.

  4. Exercises slows down the release of the stress hormone which may protect against illness[xii].

Photo by image_jungle/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by image_jungle/iStock / Getty Images

So, while the research is still investigating, most agree that moderate exercise can improve your immune system and improve your ability to fight off illness.



Our immune system plays the viral role of defending us against infection. While high exercise loads can suppress our immune system and increase the risk of viral and bacterial infections, regular, moderate exercise can improve immune function. It is thought to help flush out bacteria, help circulate white blood cells, slow the release of the stress hormone and elevate the body temperature to prevent bacterial growth. Why not give some exercise a go and help boost your immune system.

Why not give some exercise ago and boost your immune system.



[ii] Van Dijk, J. G., & Matson, K. D. (2016).

[iii] Nieman, D. C., & Wentz, L. M. (2019). The compelling link between physical activity and the body's defense system. Journal of sport and health science8(3), 201-217.

[iv] Ibid.

[v] Ibid.


[vii] Ibid.

[viii] Ibid.

[ix] Dimitrov, S., Hulteng, E., & Hong, S. (2017). Inflammation and exercise: Inhibition of monocytic intracellular TNF production by acute exercise via β2-adrenergic activation. Brain, behavior, and immunity61, 60-68.



[xii] Ibid.


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