

What are the iliopsoas muscles?

The iliopsoas is actually two muscles that join together called the iliacus and the psoas major muscle.[i]


Together they make up one of the most important in the hip flexor group. These are the muscles that flex our hip (raise our knee in front of us).[ii] It also plays an important role in our posture.[iii]

Photo by Nerthuz/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Nerthuz/iStock / Getty Images

What causes tight iliopsoas muscles?

Our busy but sedentary lives can a major cause of tight iliopsoas muscles.


Many of us spend most of the day sitting.

  • We wake up and SIT for breakfast

  • We SIT in the car on the way to work

  • We SIT at work

  • We SIT for lunch (often at the same place that we SIT all day for work)

  • We SIT in the car on the way home

  • We SIT for dinner

  • We SIT and watch Netflix (often whilst eating dinner)

Photo by monkeybusinessimages/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by monkeybusinessimages/iStock / Getty Images


As we SIT, our body adapts to that position as the norm. This is the position with our hips in flexion (our knees elevated in front of us). Our iliopsoas get short and inactive.[iv][v]


What happens when we have tight iliopsoas?

When our iliopsoas is tight, it may ‘pull’ the lower back so it becomes over curved and tilts our pelvis forward. This can lead to

  • Tightness at the side our waists,

  • Tightness in the lower back, and

  • Painful hips.[vi]

Photo by Six_Characters/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by Six_Characters/iStock / Getty Images

Do I have tight iliopsoas muscles?

The best way is to do a functional screening and muscle length test with a physiotherapist or personal trainer who is trained to undertake such as assessment. 


However, you can do this test at home to get a good indication.

  1. Lie on a flat surface (a massage table works well).

  2. Bring one leg toward your chest

  3. Extend the other with the but on the edge and the leg hanging over the edge. 

  4. Your knee should hang below your hip. If you, your iliopsoas might be tight.

Thomson Test 1.png
Thomson Test 2.png
Thomson Test 3.png


So, I have tight hip flexors…what can I do about it?



 Walking lunge

  1. With the rear leg on the mat, step the front leg forward. 

  2. Ensure that your front knee does not go further forward than your front foot and that your lower back does not excessive arching.

  3. Tilt your tailbone down to increase the stretch.

Walking Lunge 1.png
Walking Lunge 2.png


Self-Myofascial Release (SMFR) / Self-massage

Hip Flexor Roll

  1. Lie on your front.

  2. Place the roller under your hips.

  3. Gently roll back and forth.

  4. Repeat on your other leg.



Low Lunge

  1. Start in downward facing dog

  2. Step one foot forward between your heels with the knee over the heel

  3. Lower the rear knee for the floor and slide it back until you feel a stretch

  4. Lift your torso and arms toward the ceiling/sky. Draw your tailbone toward the floor




In our daily lives of sitting, our Iliopsoas can get weak and tight causes a tilt in our pelvis and strain on our lower back. Try the Thomson test to see if your iliopsoas muscles are tight and see a health professional if you are experiencing any pain. Additionally, these joint mobility, self-massage and yoga techniques may help to assist you in re-lengthening your iliopsoas muscles and  restore your posture and relieve tension in the lower back.

You can also get your FREE 2 week Recharge trial and we’ll go through these techniques with you.

The EVERYDAY can lead tight or weak Iliopsoas

Come to Recharge and Move BEYOND the EVERYDAY.






[vi] [vi]





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