The ABCs of Optimism
Optimism has many benefit. Some people suggest that you should always be optimistic and positive. However, there are times for optimism. And optimism has it’s advantages. But there are also times for pessimism.
The Rotator Cuff Muscles - Holding Your Shoulder Together (Supraspinatus)
The shoulder is one of most mobile joints but this also makes it unstable. The rotator cuff muscles hold the shoulder together. They stabilise and enable movement of our shoulders but can sometimes become unbalanced. Here are so mobility, self-massage and yoga exercises that can help.
Tibialis Anterior - Essential to foot and ankle stability
The tib ant muscles get tight when we walk and run and especially when we have tight calves. When they are tight or weak it can hinder everyday foot and ankle movements. Here are some exercises that may help.
Optimism is good...but not in all situations.
Optimism has many benefit. Some people suggest that you should always be optimistic and positive. However, there are times for optimism. And optimism has it’s advantages. But there are also times for pessimism.
You Hip Abs - Keep your back and knees in check
The hip abductors get tight when we sit crossed legged and stand with our leg on one weight. When they are tight or weak it can hinder everyday movements and lead to lower-back and knee pain. Here are some exercises that may help.