What to do about Muscle Tightness?
Muscle tightness is the difficulty you have moving and can range from discomfort to cramping to pain and can be limiting, frustrating, and sometimes painful. It can be reduced by improving our posture, exercising, moving more, stretching and reducing stress.
The Science of Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution - The Theory of Planned Behaviour - Feelings of Control
The Theory of Planned Behaviour builds on the Theory of Reasoned Action we look at last week. It proposes that our likelihood to exercise is influenced by our attitude, social pressure and how much control we think we have over exercising. Learn how we can use this to improve your chances of exercising more this year!
What Causes Muscle Tightness?
Muscle tightness can range from a small sense of tension through to outright pain. It can be caused by prolonged inactivity or static activities such as typing, by stress and during and after exercise. Next time we will look at ways to reduce muscle tension.
The Science of Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution - The Theory of Reasoned Action - Attitudes and Social Pressure
The Theory of Reasoned action proposes that what we do is mainly determined by our intentions which are determined by our attitudes and social pressure. So if you want to give yourself the best chance at exercising more this year, have a look at your attitudes toward exercise. Next look at the people your socialise with. Perhaps you can join a group exercise class or exercise with your friends.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt - Exercises
Anterior pelvic tilt means it is tilted forward and is caused by shortened hip flexors and a lengthening of the hip extensors. Our sedentary lives can a major cause of type hip flexors. An anterior tilt forces our lower spine to curve leading to back pain and the leg bones to rotate in causing hip and knee pain. Here are some things you can do to help.