Your Side Butt (Gluteus Medius) - Keeping your Pelvis on the Level to Prevent Back Pain
The Gluteus Medius is often overlooked but plays the vital role in keeping our pelvis level whenever we have one foot off the ground (walking, running, standing on one leg). When this muscle is weak or tight, it can place extra strain on our hips and lower back leading to pain. Here are some exercises to strengthen and stretch this important muscles. Give them a go today.
Triceps - The Three Headed Monster
Today we are going to look at the sternocleidomastoid. No, we haven’t started writing about dinosaurs! The sternocleidomastoid (SCM) is one of our neck muscles. Tight or painful SCMs can be caused by constant staring at laptops & phones and can result in pain in the jaw, neck, back of the head, ear, cheek or teeth, tension headaches, stiffness, dizziness and many others issues.
Sternocleidomastoid - Not a Dinosaur. A Pain in the Neck
Today we are going to look at the sternocleidomastoid. No, we haven’t started writing about dinosaurs! The sternocleidomastoid (SCM) is one of our neck muscles. Tight or painful SCMs can be caused by constant staring at laptops & phones and can result in pain in the jaw, neck, back of the head, ear, cheek or teeth, tension headaches, stiffness, dizziness and many others issues.
Chair Exercises to Help Sore 'Work from Home' Back and Hips
Many of us are having to make do with makeshift home office set ups such as laptops on kitchen tables or worse, working from the couch. Sitting all day in awkward home office positions can cause your hips and backs to start to get tense. While it is best to improve your office set up and take regular breaks, you can try these chair exercises to help.
Chair Exercises to Help that Sore 'Work from Home' Neck and Shoulders
Many of us are having to make do with makeshift home office set ups such as laptops on kitchen tables or worse, working from the couch. The average head weighs about 5 and half kilos (as much as bowling ball) and when we tilt our neck at 45 degrees, it puts about 23 kilos of force on our necks! (that’s as much as a small Labrador!). This tends to cause stiffness in our neck and shoulders. Here are some exercises to help relieve that tension.