ABC…D - Distraction - The Next Step
After you have done your ABCs, there are two main ways to deal with pessimistic beliefs. The first is to distract. A highly effective thought stopping technique is to simply shout ‘STOP’. Once you are distracted, you can try a technique called attention shifting. Finally, schedule a time to think about it later. Try it this week. When you find yourself ruminating, stop and then distract.
How we Learn - Instrumental Conditioning
But memories need to be created somehow? We need to make memories. How do we do this? This week we will look into conditioning and, in particular, classical conditioning. This is a process where we end up pairing a repose from on stimulus with another
The ABCs of Optimism
Optimism has many benefit. Some people suggest that you should always be optimistic and positive. However, there are times for optimism. And optimism has it’s advantages. But there are also times for pessimism.
How we Learn - Classical Conditioning
But memories need to be created somehow? We need to make memories. How do we do this? This week we will look into conditioning and, in particular, classical conditioning. This is a process where we end up pairing a repose from on stimulus with another
Types of Memory
Memory isn’t just one thing. We have short-term memory for things we are using right now. We also have several different type of long-term memory. Semantic memory deals with facts and general knowledge, episodic memory stores things that have happened to you and implicit memory stores things you cannot put into words such as how to ride a bike or drive car.